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Beautiful San Pablo

San Pablo Ave

Beautiful San Pablo is a community organization consisting of neighbors and local businesses dedicated to creating community and vibrancy along Berkeley's San Pablo Avenue. 

We believe that CPTED design principles bring safety for all community members simply through building design and carefully designed streetscapes. CPTED principles connect a building’s occupants and the street. “Natural Surveillance” enhances streetscape vitality and activity, increases opportunities for “eyes on the street” (direct sight-lines between building occupants and public spaces), and improves safety by creating a sense of common responsibility over public spaces. The Berkeley Police Department has a website and training on CPTED. 

Modern standards of CPTED recognize the essential role that strong. connected communities including neighborhoods and engaged businesses, have in creating and sustaining communities, and new CPTED principles support community-strengthening design choices.

San Pablo Avenue, the heart of West Berkeley, is representative of the city's most diverse neighborhoods. The importance of careful, community sustaining development with business preserving and enhancing policy cannot be over-estimated.
