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Submission Guidelines

The Berkeley Neighborhoods Council (BNC) wants to share news and issues with all neighborhood groups in Berkeley, whether formally organized or just a few people.  We want the good news and the bad news about neighborhood projects, events, or concerns that you want to share with other Berkeley neighborhoods so that we can effectively carry out our Statement of Purpose.  BNC exists to support neighborhoods, help solve problems and facilitate communication from one neighborhood to another.  United, we can have an impact on the future of all of our neighborhoods and our City.  After all, one way or the other, we are in this together.

Submissions Regarding BNC eNews

If you want to submit a question, comment or concern regarding BNC eNews, please send us an e-mail at

All submissions must:

  1. Include your name and contact information.  Your name or contact information will not be published unless you give specific permission to do so.  Your contact information is essential because we need to verify who sent the submission and in case we have any questions.
  2. Be about Berkeley neighborhood issues, concerns, questions, or actions – national and international issues should be addressed to others.
  3. Not use “bad” language, including what might be interpreted as “hate” language against individuals or groups.  Not defame individuals or groups.

BNC reserves the right to refuse to publish any submission and in the case of multiple submissions about a subject, to select which will be published.

All reader-submitted articles that are published are the opinion of the writer.  Reader-submitted articles do not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of BNC.

See The Cultural Corner and Neighborhood Food Prowl Sections of the current BNC eNEWS for information on how a business or organization for these Sections is selected.  For submissions to certain other sections, see the notes below.

General Comments

This Section features reader-submitted articles about any subject he/she chooses.  Submissions should be as concise as possible, keeping in mind the balance between the content of the material and maintaining reader interest.  BNC will publish in each eNEWS issue one or more reader-submitted articles in this Section plus comments, if any, about reader-submitted articles that appeared in previous eNEWS issues which will always be available for easy reference on the website in the Archives Section.  Reader-submitted articles will be published as written.

We welcome your comments about any:

  • Topic we’ve covered in the eNEWS.
  • Subject that you would like to see covered.
  • Reaction to articles in The Cultural Corner and The Neighborhood Food Prowl.
  • Questions, errors, omissions or clarifications that you think should be included.
  • Suggestions that you think will help us improve the eNEWS.
  • If you want to submit comment, please send us an e-mail at


BNC will post information about all kinds of meetings and events that neighborhoods should watch carefully or that you would feel should be shared with other neighborhoods.

If you want to submit calendar event, please send us an e-mail at


BNC invites letters from eNEWS readers.  Letters and photos should be about issues of neighborhood interest.  Letters should be no longer than 500 words, although at times we may publish letters that exceed this length.  All letters should state the name(s) of the author(s) and at least the general area where the author lives or the neighborhood group he/she is affiliated with.

If you want to submit a letter, please send us an e-mail at