From Councilmember Igor Tregub:"At its November 19 meeting, the City Council approved a contract with Dorothy Day House to provide and operate essential housing and supportive services for unhoused individuals at the Howard Johnson Motel (1619 University Ave). The funding for this project is provided through a combination of the State’s Encampment Resolution Fund (ERF) and the City’s Measure P funds. You can read more about the approved contract and project here.
My office, together with the City Manager and representatives from Dorothy Day House, will co-host a Community Meeting to give a short presentation about the project and to address any questions that you might have.
Please join us to learn more about the project at the Howard Johnson Motel.
When: Wednesday, December 11th | 5:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
Where: Berkeley Public Library West Branch - Community Room, 1125 University Ave, Berkeley
Please note that the capacity of the West Branch Library’s Community Room is limited. We encourage you to come early to secure a seat. There will also be additional standing room. "
Igor Tregub
Berkeley City Councilmember
District 4, City of Berkeley
2180 Milvia St, Berkeley, CA 94704
Email: ITregub@berkeleyca.gov
Phone: 510-981-7140