Registration Number: CT0253295
Registration Code: 84923417…
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Registration Number: CT0253295
Registration Code: 84923417…
IRS (Entity Idenification Number) EIN number 82-1357366
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May 3, 2024
To: Berkeley Neighborhoods Council
The news that SB-9 has been declared unconstitutional by a Superior Court in Los Angeles begs the question of what BNC should do about it in Berkeley.
The current Berkeley government has shown strong support for SB-9 and may attempt to make it a local ordinance.
The Berkeley Planning staff and present City Council members will no longer be able to use SB-9 to put down community resistance to unreasonable development in their neighborhoods.
What should we do? Should we start a movement to have our Zoning Ordinance restored with revisions? If so, how do we do it?
The initiative process may be the only way to make meaningful change.
Should BNC put together a committee to work on an initiative?
Dean Metzger
This is the presentation given by Camille Antinori at the Sept 14, 2024 BNC Meeting
BNC Presentation on Middle Housing from Sept 14, 2024 Meeting
See the Differences between the City of Berkeley Measures EE and FF